Category: Poetry

  • Should there be no trace

    Should there be no trace

    should there be no trace of ushere at this brewpub table should there be no trace of you here,or of your car parked here should there be no trace hereof your drunken tears and terrors and should there be no traceof you, on my bedsheets next to me I’ll trace the lineand I’ll memorize it…

  • Forgetamine 200

    Forgetamine 200

    I searched too deepI searched too far I’m so far gonewith my selfish attemptsto know why I’m notyours anymore I’ve forgotten who I amwhile you’re out there,living your best lifewith this boy,your current receptaclefor your nightly pollutions despite what I founddespite himdespite it all I still tryto swallow that pillthe one he left,forgetamine 200mgit’s pale-colouredand…